The main way of UCAS advertising the Manchester convention, was through the internet. I found that it wasn't publicized as well as the One Direction tour in that you really had to search to find out about it, whereas the tour had wide spread publicity. UCAS as a company are well advertised, but the individual events they hold aren't. I spoke to an old teacher of mine, who said he receives information constantly throughout the year on the different local open days within the a certain radius, and they liaise with each other in order to make sure students get the best opportunity regarding the conventions. This would mean that local colleges and sixth forms near to Manchester Central would be the main focus of advertisement for UCAS to use. Once looking into this further i found that The University Of Manchester had advertised their presence at the convention well and had described their to the applicants of this year why they should be chosen by them. This is good advertising by the university,and in many ways I think the best way of advertising for the Convention is through the different universities doing so. They are the reason why the student is attending as they want to find out more about the place in which they may be studying their period of higher education. Whilst students are applying for different places at different universities through the UCAS application, they will be looking through their websites and their prospectuses for information about them and why they should attend that university. With the local ones putting information about them attending up through their website means more and more people are going to attend. In conclusion this means that it isn't just UCAS that have to publicize the event, its individual colleges, sixth forms and universities.
UCAS also send out many visual forms of advertisement through the post giving listings of when the conventions are and the nearest one to you is. As mentioned previously, they also advertise largely through social networks in order to gain as many followers as they possibly can, as the student audience will be spending a lot of there time on them.
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